The Gwynne Conservation Area is a unique resource for the citizens of Ohio and other visitors, with a variety of habitats and ecosystems and appropriate conservation and resource management practices. Visitors can see these management practices on site as examples of ways in which their land can be enhanced for economic, environmental, and enjoyment purposes.
Things to see at the Gwynne:
Managing water
Constructed wetland
Dug-out and Embankment ponds
Low-impact stream crossing
Dry hydrant
Grassed waterways
Managing soil erosion
Riparian buffer plantings and reforestation
Windbreak plantings
Streambank stabilization
Alternative land-uses
Crop tree plantings – pines, nut trees, timber species
Conservation landscaping
Wildlife food plot and nesting cover
Warm season grasslands and native prairie plantings
Habitats and Ecosystems
Early successional forests
Miamian silt loam soil
Grasslands and prairies
Riparian forests