Flying squirrels have secrets, and an expert from The Ohio State University soon will spill the nuts, er, beans.
Marne Titchenell, wildlife specialist in Ohio State’s College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences, will reveal “Nature’s Gliders: The Flying Squirrels” from 10:30-11:30 a.m. Sept. 23 at the annual Farm Science Review trade show in London, Ohio. The college is the Review’s sponsor.
“In some woodlands, flying squirrels are the most abundant squirrel,” Titchenell said. “We just don’t see them that much because they’re nocturnal.”
So what are they hiding?
- They technically don’t fly, but they definitely get airborne.
- They have a covert way to “talk” to each other that you yourself can’t hear.
- They do all their work under cover of dark.
- They hole up with gangs of their friends all winter, which leaves them stronger come spring.
- There are more of them out there than most people think.
“My talk will introduce people to the fascinating world of flying squirrels,” Titchenell said. “They’ll learn how to find out if they have flying squirrels in their woods and how to provide habitat for them.”
In a nutshell, she said flying squirrels are good to have around as signs of a healthy ecosystem, although rarely, yes, they may get into attics and barns.
“I think it’s interesting how, through their abilities, flying squirrels have fit themselves into their own little place in the woodland ecosystem to help them avoid competition and find the resources they need to survive,” she said.
Her talk is one of many slated in the 67-acre Gwynne Conservation Area during the Review’s run from Sept. 22-24. The area is part of the site of the Review, the college’s 2,100-acre Molly Caren Agricultural Center. Find a complete list of those talks at
Details about the Review overall, including activities, ticket prices and hours, are at Some 130,000 people are expected to attend the event.