
Search results

  1. Moving Pigs into Group Housing: Conference to Troubleshoot Hurdles

    environments versus separate stalls. Cortisol is a hormone produced by animals, as well as people, when they ...

  2. New Study Will Track Ways to Cut Runoff from Elevated Phosphorus Fields

    many miles wide, and threaten recreation, tourism, drinking water safety and people’s health. The ...

  3. Ohio Climbing Up in Wine Production

    evident to people that there are Ohio wines,” said Todd Steiner, who leads the science of winemaking ...

  4. Migrant Farm Laborers Harder and Harder to Get

    vegetables until they’re more certain they’ll have people to plant, maintain and harvest them, Wiers said. ...

  5. Join us for the AgrAbility Virtual State Fair in October

    make agriculture accessible for people with disabilities. Come join in the celebration on  Twitter ...

  6. Nutrition & Wellness

     Nutrition Programming:  We teach a variety of programs on nutrition including Mindful Eating, Eating Heart-Healthy, Instant Pot 101, and more. OSU Extension offers a program called Mindful Wellness  which gives an overview on the science behind the art o ...

  7. Avian Inflenza Update

    viruses without appearing sick, people should minimize direct contact with wild birds by using gloves. If ...

  8. Home Food Preservation  Recorded topics include Jams and Jellies, Canning & Freezing Vegetables, Canning & ...   LUCAS COUNTY INFORMATION: OSU Extension, Lucas County offers pressure canner gauge testing.  ...

  9. 2021 Green Industry Summer Session

    program also provides an opportunity for networking and seeing people who have a passion for ...

  10. Everyone Can Garden! Session Five, Garden Clean Up and Preperations for Next Year

      Everyone Can Garden! Vegetable Gardening for People with Physical and Other Limitations Do you ... Design – an approach that works for people with many types of physical limitations. Presenters: ... easier and more comfortable to use by people with physical limitations. Presenters: Laura Akgerman and ...
